Annual Meeting

2018 AGM at St Mary’s Grangemouth

The Mission to Seafarers Scotland held their annual Meeting on Saturday 30th June at St Mary’s Episcopal Church in Grangemouth where Captain Martyn Clark took over as Chairman from Revd Dr Canon Bob Harley.

After the Rector of St Mary’s, the Rev Willie Shaw, welcomed those present, presentations were made on behalf of the Scottish Board by The Revd Canon Andrew Wright, Secretary General to the Mission to Seafarers to two Board Members who were resigning, due to their time of the board expiring. Bob Harley was thanked for his Chairmanship role of the Board and also his 13 years service as a Trustee and Ray Myers for his incredible 22 years as a Scottish Council member and Trustee, Ray stating that he will continue as a volunteer ship visitor for the foreseeable future.

The Rev Tim Tunley, Scottish Chaplain was also presented with a gift and card to celebrate his 25 years’ service as a Priest.

The new Chairman highlighted some facts from the Annual Report and the Treasurer David Graham-Service reported about the Annual accounts, thanking not only those who have donated by legacy and directly; but also those who volunteer to assist seafarers in many ways.

After Rev Tim Tunley reported about his work and gave a couple of examples of help he had assisted with in the past year, the Annual Address was given by Rev Canon Andrew Wright who spoke about assisting those in need.

Celebration of the Eucharist followed and then a light lunch was presented by ladies from the church, where Tim cut the 25th Anniversary Cake made in his honour. The chairman then presented flowers to the ladies who had kindly prepared lunch and refreshments.

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